Saturday, September 27, 2008

Then and Now

I was looking through my old pictures and found this one of Rach and Jer. This was taken about 9 years ago. Then I found one taken a few weeks ago of the two of them. Wow how time flys!

He is One already!

These are only a few of the pictures of Davy for his 1st birthday.

My Awesome Other Half!

This is just in case I haven't mentioned lately how lucky I am to have such an Awesome man in my life. He is a wonderful father to all of our children and the best husband ever. He loves me more than I could ever ask for, and then some. I am blessed. If we were ever lucky enough to be in the same place at the same time I would put a picture of both of us on here. HaHa

Hair cut FINALLY!!

Clint has really loved his hair for a LONG time. I was pretty much overjoyed when he came to me the other day and said Mom will you cut my hair short. I jumped at the chance and cut it right then.


This is the NOW Clint. Who knew he was sooo handsome under all that hair. He gets it from his Mom. If you want his stylist you have to book way in advance. :)
Ok so just for the select few who do read my blog I will try to at least write a little something at least once a week. I really do have a wonderful life and should share more of it with my friends and family. I had a fun night going with my friends to Women's Conference. It is always good to be reminded of how blessed we are. I always set new goals on how much better I will be by this time next year. I had a freind once who told me that she had hoped she would be perfect by 30, then it was 40, 50 and so on I think her new goal is now perfection by 70. :) I think thats why we age. If we didn't we would master our stage in life and never progress. I don't know. Whatever.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Here is a little fun news. The other night we heard Pokey give out a yelp, she then got quiet for the rest of the night. Well when Em went out to take the little dog potty she started yelling MOM! MOM! Pokey has quills all over her face. Yep you guessed it she had a run in with a porcupine and it was still outside by the house. We tried to get it to leave it wouldn't then Julie brought it some watermelon which it ate some of it sometime. That night we locked up the dogs and by morning he was gone.
Ok! OK! I will update my blog don't teepee me or anything! I got threats today so I better update. Not much has happened at our house. School started, soccer is in full swing, jer playing varsity occasionally but enjoying playing all the time on JV.
Clint tried out for the play and got a part. The play they are doing is the Outsiders. All are well and the grades are good. Gary works two jobs now he is still with Linden Fire and now he also works for Show Low EMS ( the ambulance service). Which reminds me that Davy his first ambulance ride a few weeks ago. He fell off the top of a desk and smacked the tile floor a little to hard. But he is ok. Clint says because he is part Burgess part Cunningham his head must be 6 inches thick. :) Any way I will post some of Davy's one year old pics and Em also had a birthday in August.